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Ancient Finds Gallery



Regular price $622.00
Regular price $622.00 Sale price $622.00
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This magnificent tourmaline gemstone is a striking example of natural elegance and allure. Measuring 27.09mm in length and 8mm in width, this tourmaline weighs 3.11 grams, making it an impressive and substantial piece.

The tourmaline's elongated shape is complemented by its vibrant and rich color, which ranges from deep greens to mesmerizing pinks, highlighting its unique appeal. Expertly cut, this gemstone exhibits exceptional clarity and brilliance, with facets that capture and reflect light beautifully.

Ideal for creating a luxurious and standout piece of jewelry, this tourmaline is perfect for a stunning pendant, an elegant ring, or a sophisticated bracelet. Its significant size and exquisite quality make it a treasured addition to any fine jewelry collection.

This tourmaline's combination of impressive dimensions and vibrant hues ensures it will be admired and cherished for years to come. Whether set in a contemporary or classic design, this gemstone adds a touch of sophistication and natural beauty to any jewelry piece.

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